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Richardson receives GMDC lifetime achievement award

GMDC Richardson

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ORLANDO, Fla. — Bob Richardson of Clorox Co. accepted a lifetime achievement award from Global Market Development Center (GMDC) during the center’s annual Health Beauty Wellness Conference here.

Richardson is director of sales and customer and industry development at Clorox, maker of household cleaning products (Pine-Sol, Green Works), plastic wrap and containers (Glad), charcoal briquettes (Kingsford), personal care items (Burt’s Bees), cat litter (Fresh Step) and more.

GMDC’s lifetime achievement award was created in 1994 to honor individuals who have made major contributions to mass market retailing, with a focus on the general merchandise and health beauty wellness categories.

“This award is a great achievement and a well-deserved acknowledgement of Bob’s contributions to the GMDC community,” said GMDC president and chief executive officer Patrick Spear. “He is highly respected in the industry and, more importantly, invests his time to support the colleagues and customers he so loyally serves.”

Richardson has served GMDC in advisory and leadership roles since 2012, including a term as co-chair of its Education Leadership Council. Richardson has been a GMDC board member since 2013, helping to steer the center’s efforts to serve its ecosystem of more than 600 general merchandise and health, beauty and wellness retailers, wholesalers, suppliers and service member companies.

After earning a degree in engineering operations from North Carolina State University, Richardson went to work for Union Carbide. A series of promotions took Richardson through the company’s sales and marketing departments, GMDC said. Richardson later worked at First Brands before joining Oakland, Calif.-based Clorox in 1999.

“Bob became my mentor and my teacher,” said Clorox CEO Benno Dorer. “Many people at Clorox have gone through the ‘Bob Richardson School of Leadership and Customer Management,’ and we all feel we’re better off.”

