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Food Lion touts fresh offerings

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SALISBURY, N.C. — Food Lion has launched a multichannel “How Refreshing” advertising campaign touting the supermarket chain’s expanded fresh food offerings, as well as its affordability and ­convenience.

The campaign, introduced in early April, represents the next step in the Food Lion rebranding initiative that was begun in 2014, said vice president of marketing Deborah Sabo.

That rebranding — dubbed “Easy, Fresh and Affordable … You Can Count on Food Lion Every Day” — involves a revamped logo, remodels to the retailer’s 1,100 stores, expansion of its organic and natural food selection, lower prices, faster checkouts, and employee training, among other ­improvements.

“The strategy is in place. Many elements for how we execute the strategy have been made, including in-store improvements and investments to make sure items that matter to our customers are at affordable prices,” Sabo said. “One of the things we’re looking for now is creating an emotional connection with customers.”

The new TV commercials feature the tagline “Raising Our Standards Without Raising Our Prices.” The campaign encompasses print, radio, social media, billboards and in-store signs.

Sabo said one aim of the advertising is to dispel the notion that families cannot afford to buy fresh fruit, vegetables and meat. “There’s a tension point,” she said. “A lot of folks believe fresh is not ­affordable.”

One of the 30-second TV spots refers to Food Lion’s double-your-money-back guarantee that its meat, fresh produce, deli items, baked goods and private label offerings are “100% fresh.” In-store signage also reminds customers of the money-back guarantee.

The campaign also aims to build customer loyalty by highlighting the retailer’s “Nature’s Place” brand of organic and natural food offerings.

“Our customers have told us that they need a grocery store that offers fresh food at an affordable price, and we listened,” Sabo said. “This campaign will bring that to life for them. It will amplify how we bring fresh and affordable together, and how our customers can truly count on us every day to fulfill that need.”

Food Lion partnered with its advertising agency, Doner, which is based in Detroit, on the campaign. The agency has initially produced one 60-second cable TV spot and three 30-second spots.

