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Lucot to retire from Giant Eagle

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PITTSBURGH — Giant Eagle president and chief operating officer John Lucot will retire on June 30, the company said.

Lucot has been with the supermarket operator for 42 years. He joined Giant Eagle as a supermarket clerk in 1974, and he went on to hold positions in distribution, retail development, real estate and operations. ­Lucot, who was appointed president and COO in 2012, is credited with playing a key role in the development of the company’s GetGo convenience store ­operation.

“The fact I have spent my entire career with Giant Eagle is a testament to the compassionate spirit and commitment to the personal growth of others that is at the core of our wonderful organization,” Lucot said. “It is this commitment to serving others, including team members and customers, that I will miss most.”

Giant Eagle chief executive officer Laura Karet will assume Lucot’s responsibilities.

“John’s value to Giant Eagle is immeasurable,” Karet said. “In addition to his expertise, steadfast leadership and competitive and fiery spirit, the profound and positive impact he has had on the lives of our team members cannot be understated.”

The privately held retailer has about $9.7 billion in annual sales, and it operates more than 420 stores (including 223 supermarkets) in Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia, Maryland and ­Indiana.

