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ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. – Total video – which encompasses everything from linear TV to data-driven addressable TV to streaming video – is evolving into the next generation of TV. It’s where consumers are going and where brands need to be, per The CMO Club’s latest CMO Solution Guide produced in thought leadership with shopper intelligence leader Catalina.

Titled “The Unstoppable Evolution of TV to Total Video: Everything You Wanted to Know About Next Gen TV, Video and Streaming, But Were Afraid to Ask,” the Guide cites several statistics that underscore how Next-Gen TV is poised to lap both linear broadcast and cable TV in the future. In this aggressively evolving environment, the opportunities for marketers to find and target audiences based on when and how they are consuming video content is enormous, especially now that brands can expand beyond just demographic data to reach specific audiences and households who are more receptive to their products and services.

This Solutions Guide was based on responses to a quantitative survey of more than 100 top marketers across a wide range of business to business (B2B) and business to consumer (B2C) organizations who were asked where they are on the spectrum of video streaming mastery and investment, how they are adjusting dollars, and how they are building their internal muscle and agency relationships as they progress into targeted data-driven total video buys. Among the Guide’s key findings:

• A slim majority of CMOs surveyed – 58% — say they are comfortable/very comfortable developing and executing their TV buying strategy in this increasingly complex environment.

• Ad dollars are shifting to streaming. Linear/broadcast TV still draws substantial media spend (a third dedicate 25% or more of their budget to it). However, over the next 12 months, 52% of marketers plan to increase budget for connected TV (smart TVs, gaming consoles and connected devices), 34% cite dedicating more dollars to addressable TV (cable, telco and satellite providers), while 25% are looking to decrease their linear/broadcast TV budget.

• Marketers rely on agencies for expertise and execution. Although CMOs are comfortable navigating TV, 80% turn to their media buying agency or consultant to gain insights or guidance on effective TV buying strategies and 42% say their agency strategy team is primarily responsible for developing TV strategy. To increase reach and effectiveness of TV dollars, 44% seek to hire external partners or agencies in the next year.

• Developing internal talent is critical. CMOs look to their internal brand leaders to develop TV strategy (43%), handle the TV buying (36%), and gain insights or guidance on effective TV buying strategies (40%). Forty percent plan to hire in-house talent (digital/media/analytic) in the next 12 months

• Targeting with demographics still leads, but behavioral insights are not far behind. While demographics are still largely utilized to target TV buys (78%), with the increasing popularity of advanced TV opportunities, behavioral targeting (e.g., pet owners, auto enthusiasts, social followers of a brand) is a strong second (64%).

According to Stacey Hawes, U.S. Chief Revenue Office at Catalina, “Today’s marketers need to adopt an omni-channel strategy, and TV has only increased in value with more consumers cutting the cord and moving to streaming options during the pandemic. In fact, more than 1 in 4 households no longer have a cable box, so you cannot reach them with traditional linear TV buys. That’s why we wanted to partner with The CMO Club on thought leadership that would advance the Next Gen TV cause.”

The CMO Club’s latest Solution Guide also benefited from in-depth interviews with marketing and business executives from leading and emerging brands including John Alvarado, former Senior Vice President of Marketing, Beer Portfolio, Constellation Brands; Sean Barrett, Senior Vice President of Marketing, Albertsons Companies; Gareth Mandel, Chief Operating Officer, eHarmony; Kim McBee Chief Marketing Officer/ Senior Vice President of Customer Experience and Brand Marketing, Papa Murphy’s International; and Andrew Rebhun, Chief Marketing Officer, El Pollo Loco.

Download The CMO Club’s Total Video Solution Guide.

