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Zicam adds Medicated Fruit Drops to its cold remedy lineup

(PRNewsfoto/Matrixx Initiatives, Inc.)

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BRIDGEWATER, N.J.— Matrixx Initiatives Inc.’s Zicam brand is expanding its cold remedy product lineup to include Zicam Cold Remedy Medicated Fruit Drops. Available in an assortment of fruit flavors, the company said the drops are formulated to help consumers shorten the length of their cold when taken at the first sign of symptoms.

“Coming down with a cold is an unpleasant experience; in addition to dealing with symptoms, we can also feel more isolated and lonely,” said M’lou Walker, chief executive officer of Zicam. “At Zicam, we are always looking for ways to show our consumers that we are there for them. We are passionate about helping people get back to feeling better, so they can enjoy time with their family and friends. With our new Medicated Fruit Drops, we hope to bring a delectable mix of flavor into cold shortening, while making a difference in people’s lives.”

The soft, chewable drops are non-drowsy and non-habit forming, according to the company. They come in a mix of three flavors — orange, lemon and cherry — and contain pectin, a gelling agent that helps prevent the product from melting and sticking together. Each container holds 25 fruit drops.

“We recognize that consumers are looking for more choices in form and flavor when in the cold aisle, so we are always innovating new ways to shorten colds,” said Lori Norian, vice president of Marketing at Zicam. “We care about those using our products and with our new Medicated Fruit Drops we aimed to create another delicious, yet unique, way to get better faster. Early results are showing that consumers agree.”

