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Citing COVID-19, NACDS cancels RxIMPACT Day


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WASHINGTON — The National Association of Chain Drug Stores cancelled its planned RxIMPACT Day, citing the likelihood of cancelled meetings due to the COVID-19 virus. NACDS president and chief executive officer Steven Anderson announced the cancellation Monday in a memo posted on the association’s web site.

The event was to include a reception and dinner for attendees on Tuesday night, and meetings with legislators and staffers on Wednesday.

The memo is reproduced below:

TO: NACDS RxIMPACT Day on Capitol Hill Attendees

FROM: Steven C. Anderson, NACDS President & CEO

SUBJECT: Cancellation of 2020 NACDS RxIMPACT Day on Capitol Hill

Due to developments this morning, actual and potential changes in Congress’ response to COVID-19 make it appropriate to cancel the 2020 NACDS RxIMPACT Day on Capitol Hill. In addition, the NACDS Policy Council meeting will be held by phone, rather than in-person. We want to get word out immediately to allow advocates to cancel their travel plans.

Rx ImpactThis morning we are hearing of more Congressional offices suspending in-person meetings. There seems to be at least the potential that Congress could take actions that would prevent or severely limit meetings on Capitol Hill. We would not want advocates to arrive in Washington, D.C. only to learn that their Congressional meetings are cancelled.

We will communicate soon about opportunities to convey important messages to your elected officials at this time. We are working quickly to develop items for your use, yet we did not want to delay this communication about the status of the event.

As we indicated last week, NACDS is implementing a COVID-19 plan that addresses four goals: 1) fostering the health and wellness of the public, member company personnel and NACDS staff; 2) delivering value to members; 3) living up to the industry’s reputation for professionalism, trust and accessibility; and 4) advancing NACDS’ mission vigorously. NACDS is constantly evaluating our work based on these goals, and this decision about the 2020 NACDS RxIMPACT Day on Capitol Hill is the right one at this time.

Here are a few logistical notes. Hotel reservations made through NACDS will be cancelled by NACDS. If you booked a hotel on your own, only you can make that cancellation. Regarding the Capitol Hill meetings, NACDS will contact the Congressional offices directly.

We want to thank NACDS members, colleges and schools of pharmacy, state association partners and other allies who always engage so proactively and positively for pro-patient and pro-pharmacy policies. We also recognize all of the planning and work underway at this time to contribute to the health and well-being of your communities, of your customers, and of your staff teams. As we continue to address COVID-19 together, please remember that NACDS has established to share important information and resources. As always, thank you for your leadership and support.

